Thursday, January 17, 2008

China delights in EU Parliament's proposed FINES

In penalising the mildest attempts to obtain some small amount of democracy in the tyrannical EU, the Parliament and Potty Pottering as he coming to be known on the internet gives ammunition to anti-democratic regimes across the world. One such gloating report on the potential fines has just been issued by the Chinese news agency, linked here. Send a protest to the Parliament, suggested wording could be along these lines: The EU Lisbon treaty makes it clear that the EU constitution would be superior to and over-ride all national constitutions of the member states. No one in the United Kingdom, not even the Queen herself has the authority to agree to surrendering the supremacy of the British Constitution, to so do would be an act of treason against the state. Should anyone from the United Kingdom sign up to the EU constitutional treaty that person would be acting treasonously and therefore the action would have no legitimacy in British law. Should the EU disregard this fact and accept the signature, it would establish that the EU works complicitly with traitors within the EU states against the interests of the citizens within those states, thus proving that the aspiration of the EU is not in the interest of the people of Europe, but is solely in the interest of its own political power and territorial ambitions. Click here, to reach the pompously titled 'Correspondence with Citizens' internet page.


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