Saturday, December 23, 2006

Outing BNP members

Yesterday the Guardian as part of details regarding the BNP's electoral strategy obtained as a result of one of its reporters Ian Cobain, having infiltrated the party, named two London members and gave the occupation of a third as being a servant in Buckingham Palace. Read one of the reports from this link. This was presumably an attempt to shame the people named, but if the balance of the report were to be taken at face value and the party is to be believed when it states it has abandoned its racist past, then perhaps the individuals concerned have fully considered their reasons for joining this generally considered far right (but economically extreme left) party. At the very least the Guardian, in my opinion, should offer the two named individuals ample space in their columns to justify and explain the reasons for their personal (and presumed private) decision as to which political party they had freely decided to join. Membership of Cameron's conservative party would be about the most shameful political allegation that I could imagine having revealed about myself at present. Happily it would be totally untrue!


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