Saturday, December 17, 2005

Blair puts ambition before country?

A major disaster for any hope of the restoration of democracy across the continent of Europe occurred in Brussels last night. A new budget was agreed thus ensuring the continuation of the present non-democratic and increasingly totalitarian EU up to the year 2014. Co-incidentally that was the year I chose in my novel 'Millennium Blitzkreig' for the EU to fall to complete dictatorship . Choosing the nationalities of the main villains for that tale was always problematical - it now appears I got them wrong. This blog has always believed and set forth that the most likely way for the EU Constitution to be revived is for some nod to be given in a revised Treaty towards the lack of any democracy in the present structures. The only feasible way I can imagine that being accomplished is by the EU getting an elected President - given the powers of the Commission this will be a huge setback for the nation states and effectively hand the entire continent to an initially elected dictator who might never see the need of bothering to stand for a second term. Tony Blair, in attempting to justify his treachery over the British rebate this morning on Radio Four stated that Britain would regain respect in Europe - a possible guide to his own thinking and ambitions? The detail of yesterday's negotiations is well described in this Daily Telegraph report linked here.


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